Products and Services

  • Can I email you a photo instead?

    Yes, you may email additional photos for reference. Please send it to
  • Do you do humans?

    For sure! You may check out our human portrait designs here:
  • Do you only do cats and dogs? Can you do other animals?

    Whether it's the tiniest ant or the biggest dog, you name it, we do it. As our team of highly skilled artists cannot just justify either how cute or how imposing your buddy is like but they can also bring out one's uniqueness through their work.
  • How much does a pet portrait cost?

    SINGLE PORTRAIT CANVAS 8x10 - 49.95 12X18 - 74.95 16X24 - 99.95 24X32 - 149.95 FRAMED CANVAS 8x10 - 74.95 12X18 - 109.95 16X24 - 149.95 24X32 - 199.95 2IN1 PORTRAIT CANVAS 12X18 - 99.95 16X24 - 149.95 24X32 - 199.95 FRAMED CANVAS 12X18 - 149.95 16X24 - 199.95 24X32 - 249.95
  • What canvas sizes do you offer?

    We currently offer 8x10, 12x18, 16x24 and 24x32 sized portraits. Please note that sizes mentioned are in inches.
  • What if my picture gets rejected?

    If the photo you sent is subpar, we will try to enhance it as best as possible. If, after enhancement, the image is still not workable, we will get in touch with you via email.